
Here you will find some of Palms Imaging Center’s commonly used forms. Just download, complete the fields and print to sign and mail or fax to the office. Patients can bring these completed forms with them to shorten their registration time!

New Patient Registration (EnglishEspañol)

Patient Medical History (English I Español)

MRI Screening Form (English I Español)

Breast Screening Form (English I Español)

DEXA History Questionnaire (English I Español)

OB/Ultrasound Questionnaire (English I Español)

Pelvic Ultrasound Questionnaire (English I Español)

PET/CT Informed Consent (English I Español)

Consent Form for use of Contrast Material (English I Español)

Prescription (PDF)

OB Prescription (PDF)

All forms are presented in Adobe PDF format. If you do not have an Adobe PDF reader, you may download this quick and easy program for free!